For the last twenty years, private individuals have been able to run pick ups as company cars and pay significantly less tax on the benefit in kind, than if they were a regular saloon, hatchback or SUV. However, in note EIM23151 released on 12 February 2024, HMRC signalled its intention to rescind the tax break on all new pick ups ‘purchased, leased or ordered’ from 1 July 2024.
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Summer is often considered a quieter period for businesses, but that doesn’t mean you have to sit back and relax, In fact it’s the perfect opportunity to take your business to new heights. Here are some ways to get your business summer-ready:
Goldman economists said that if prices stayed at current peaks, the UK will be forced to increase its energy cap by a further 80% in January. That would be on top of October’s 80% increase in the cap, which is lifting average dual fuel bills to £3,549 per year. If it happened, Goldman calculates it would push inflation to 22.4%, and trigger a 3.4% decline in GDP.
Once the UK left the EU, rules surrounding data protection were taken into domestic law virtually unchanged as UK GDPR. That situation is set to change as the government has published its response to Data: a New Direction, a 2021 consultation on reforms to create “an ambitious, pro growth and innovation friendly data protection regime”.
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