The Prime Minister Kier Starmer has warned of a ‘painful budget.’ Tax rises in the October budget are widely expected and the chancellor Rachel Reeves is expected to look at pensions, CGT and IHT as part of a package of measures to boost the Treasury. When is the budget? The Chancellor announced that the budget […]
One of the most important decisions to be made when launching a product or service. is setting the price. Ultimately you will want to make as much profit as you can from each sale, with prices set at the highest point possible before demand starts to decline, but numerous factors will influence your pricing structure. For a start, you must consider your business objectives for example, if your aim is just to maximise profits, you may set a higher price than if your objective is to increase market share or grow sales.
HMRC has decided against a ban on tax free individual savings accounts (ISAs) from holding less than a full share of a stock ahead of an expected rule change by the government.
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