How to choose the best accountant for your company

Melanie Richardson


No matter how good you are at running your own company, nobody can successfully micromanage every facet of their business. In order to avoid burning out or producing substandard work, you’ll occasionally need help, whether this comes through hiring someone in-house to perform a certain function on your behalf, or choosing independent professionals to partner with and outsourcing aspects of your admin and so on.


This is why so many entrepreneurs choose to use accountants to help them keep on top of their bookkeeping. A highly specialist task, it is one that can be hard to properly handle by yourself, and which can, therefore, be better trusted to the experts.

But how do you find the right accountant for your company? From one professional to another, here’s what we advise:

Ask for recommendations

One of the simplest ways to find an accountant you can trust is to ask around and see who other professionals in your network are using, and who they would recommend. The likelihood is that only those who are pleased with the service they’re receiving will suggest their accountant to you, so this is a great way to build an initial shortlist that you can work through.

Do your research

If you don’t feel comfortable asking for recommendations or feel that none of the names you’ve been given would be suitable for your specific needs, then it’s time to turn to the internet to help. Type in ‘accountants’ on Google, alongside any other important keywords, such as the specific sector you work in and your local area (assuming that the latter matters to you). You’ll find plenty of results to work through and can perform further research on any promising leads to see what those who have previously used these companies have to say about them.

Ask questions

Once you have a few ideas to work with, we would suggest getting in touch with companies you’re interested in in person, whether this is via a phone call or an email. Ask them any questions whose answers might influence your decision or affect your perception of the company’s suitability, and see what the accountants you talk to have to say. Doing so will not only help you to work out whether the professionals you’re approaching are compatible with your needs, but also the sort of customer service you can expect from them.


If you’re looking for chartered accountants in Sussex, why not get in touch with us today to see if we could help you?

Get in touch today



Melanie managing partner East Sussex Accountants

Melanie Richardson - Managing Partner

Tel: 01825 763366



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