Companies House charges

Melanie Richardson


Companies House has significantly increased fees for some services from 1 May. The changes affect filing of confirmation statements, new incorporations, change of name, and applications to strike off. This comes after other changes in March, where companies are now required to provide a contact email address on their confirmation statement.

What has changed?

From 1 May 2024, the costs for 59 services offered by Companies House will see substantial fee increases. Here is a summary of the updates to some of the most-used online services:

  • Incorporation fees have increased by over 300%
  • Annual confirmation statement fees have increased by over 50%
  • Various re registration fees under different provisions of the Companies Act 2006 have been standardised, with significant increases for paper transactions.
  • Fees related to share capital reduction, voluntary strike-off, administrative restoration, and applications for address confidentiality have undergone significant changes, including the introduction of same day services for select transactions.

For a full list of fee changes please see the link below:

Why have costs increased?

According to GOV.UK, Companies House has said that the fee adjustments are necessary to cover the costs associated with providing services and implementing new powers outlined in the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency regulations.

The fees reflect the significant shifts in the regulatory landscape. The updated pricing structure is designed to encourage digital filing while paper based filings become more expensive, reflecting a broader trend toward digitalisation and efficiency enhancement within the legal framework.

These adjustments also indicate that administrative processes at Companies House will become more intricate as the new regulations are implemented.

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