East Sussex Women in Business Awards

Martin Clay



We are delighted to announce that our Managing Partner Melanie Richardson has been shortlisted for the forthcoming JP South Events"Business Woman of the Year for East Sussex Women in Business" award.


Melanie is responsible for the day to day running of the firm as well as looking after a wide range of clients. She heads up the corporate finance department, dealing with acquisition and disposal of companies, business group restructuring and corporate tax planning. She is a board director at the Sussex Chamber of Commerce.


Melanie commented on the award saying:


'You may be surprised to hear but awards were not the main reason I have ended up running an accounting practice. It's an honour to be nominated and shortlisted for the award amongst many other great women doing amazing things in business in East Sussex. I'm very proud of what we are accomplishing here at Swindells with a brilliant team. We've had our ups and downs over the years including our office being completely burned down and yet we were up and running two days later...I'm looking forward to the awards night.'


To learn more about the awards you can follow this link




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