Make use of our factsheets, tax calendars and more resources for FREE!

Melanie Richardson


A wealth of information just a few clicks away

As part of our online website offering, we have a plethora of helpful fact sheets, online calculators, tax calendars and downloadable forms all for free.  Have a browse and see what is relevant to you or your business.


We have multiple factsheets under the following topic headings. Each heading has further information on key considerations, take a look and if you have any questions at all please get in touch with your Swindells’ partner.

Business start-ups

Capital taxes

Corporate business tax

Employment tax

Employment issues and regulations

Personal tax


General business issues


Our resources page takes you to up to date tax calendars, useful online calculators, current rates and also has a list of downloadable forms from HMRC and Companies House:

Online calculators

Tax calendar

Tax rates and allowances

HMRC forms

Companies House forms

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