Making the most of all of your tax allowances (PODCAST)

Robin Stevenson


Ensuring you are making the most of all of your tax allowances within a fiendishly complex overall tax system is always a challenge.


In our latest podcast, Robin Stevenson (Head of Private Clients) and Duncan Orr (Director at Swindells Financial Planning) discuss how to make sure you’re maximising all of your available tax allowances in the run up to the end of the 2018/2019 Tax Year.


If you don’t have time to listen to the full interview, fast forward to the question that you are particularly interested in:


00:50 – Maximising personal Income Tax allowances – planning around tax thresholds
03:45 – Maximising pension contributions
06:45 – Dividend Allowance planning – Tips for the new and reduced £2K per annum allowance
09:50 – Capital Gains Tax planning
17:25 – Using Capital Losses to offset Gains
18:05 – Inheritance Tax – making gifts
20:00 – Making exempt gifts from excess income
22:53 – Record keeping using the IHT 403
25:25 – Tax Efficient Investments – ISAs, Insurance Bonds, EISs & VCTs



To download the podcast and listen at a later date click here

If you have any further questions regarding the content of this podcast or regarding maximising all available tax allowances get in touch with Robin Stevenson or Tax Partner using the contact details below.

Robin tax partner swindells east sussex accountants and tax advisors

Robin Stevenson - Tax Partner


Tel: 01825 763 366

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