Realigning your business direction & coping with stress

Melanie Richardson


We have an extensive back catalogue of content useful for businesses and self-employed people. Here is a curation of content that may remind you and help you at this time. How to avoid late payments, restructuring your business model, realigning your business direction & coping with stress. It's an incredibly difficult time for business at the moment and we are here to help in any way that we can. Do get in touch using our mobile contact details on the home page of our website if you need advice.



How to avoid late payments


Does your business suffer from late payments? Cash flow is one of the top reasons that small businesses fail. You can’t pay your bills without cash.  Small businesses need to develop a plan for the payment of their invoices. Here are some tips to help you get paid faster.



Restructuring your business model


Restructuring your business model is likely to involve a change to business strategy or the direction of the organisation. This could include downsizing or introducing strategies such as outsourcing and alternative resource allocation to save money.  In other cases, restructuring may involve an internal alteration in duties to improve performance and efficiencies or using new technologies to achieve the same goal.



Realigning your business direction


Today we’re constantly shown and told what success looks like on social media, radio and television and it can become highly detrimental to our business and our own personal development. This article will discuss how to obtain clarity around you and your business’ path forward.




How to cope with stress while running your own business:


Starting a business is brave, running a business is without doubt stressful.  You can find that the lines between work and life become blurred becoming a source of difficulty in your life. There are no set hours and you are fully invested in it, emotionally and financially. This article reviews the information around recognising signs of stress and how to cope with it.



If you have any questions related to any of the above information, do get in touch with our Managing Partner, Melanie Richardson using the contact details below:






MOBILE: 07813 909982


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