Why Steve & Matt (Sussex Beds) Choose Swindells

Melanie Richardson


East Sussex Accountants sussex beds logo client

East sussex Tax advisors fabric samples client


Sussex Beds is a family business founded in Hastings over 35 years ago by Matt and Steve’s father. Three years ago Matt (Financial Director) & Steve (Managing Director) took over the running of the business with further directors that are all part of the extended family group.


The Sleep Retail industry has undergone huge developments over the last 30 years in terms of materials technology, online retail & changing customer habits. Sussex Beds understand that they are in the ‘Sleep Improving’ business and that one mattress or pillow does not fit all…they have just opened their latest location in Worthing and the business continues to grow from strength to strength.


Matt, Sussex Beds Financial Director


Sussex Beds Steve portrait shot of client



‘As the Financial Director I work very closely with Melanie & her team at Swindells. About three years ago we were looking around for a new accountants in Sussex to help us with a complex business model restructuring. We chose to work with Melanie & Swindells as they not only listened and understood our reasoning for the change but also were an invaluable help to us in realising the changes. I see Melanie as more of a business partner that I can call on when I need anything, from strategic advice to a new bookkeeper; I receive a prompt and thoughtful response.

Just the other day we had an issue with our Auto enrolment implementation, Melanie was on the other end of the phone and had a contact for us within half an hour, this is the added value that we feel Swindells provides us with.’


Steve, Sussex Beds Managing Director


Sussex Beds Matt looking at fabric


‘Swindells and Melanie aren’t your typical accountants…in a good way, they are warm, personable and don’t try to baffle us with jargon. They take their time to make sure that we understand what we need and why. In the first year after a large restructure of the business we needed frequent meetings and up to date, quick information, Swindells made sure we had what we needed before we needed it, they really helped us through the transition.’


Sussex Beds Matt & Steve laughing on bed


‘We’ve been involved with Sussex Beds for the best part of our lives, it’s not just a business to us it’s part of our family. Now that we are responsible for its running we needed to be confident in our financial information and support of our accountants, we feel that we’ve found that in Swindells.’


Swindells provide family run businesses with the professional expertise of a big four firm and the human touch of your local practice. As much as business is about making financially sound decisions we make sure that our family of clients are aware of the personal implications of their potential decisions as well; so that they have a balanced view not just a balance sheet view. We take care of our family, personally and professionally.


If you’d like to learn more about our approach to working with clients get in touch with Melanie directly on:

Melanie managing partner East Sussex Accountants

Email: melanier@swindellsaccounting.co.uk

Tel 01825 763366

If you are interested to learn more about Sussex Beds or visit one of their showrooms around Sussex, you can find more information here:



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