Support schemes available for businesses in 2022
Melanie Richardson
including the ‘Help to Grow Scheme’
Even though the government did not introduce new Covid restrictions in the UK, the Chancellor announced measures in December to help the hospitality, leisure and tourism industry. This article will outline the help available to qualifying businesses.
Hospitality and leisure grant
Businesses within the leisure, hospitality and tourism sector will be the main beneficiaries. Pubs, restaurants, cinemas and theatres can apply for a grant for each of their premises. The amount of grant paid will be dependent on the premises’ rateable value (RV) as below:
- Up to £15,000 - £2,700 grant
- £15,001 to £51,000 - £4,000 grant
- Over £51,000 - £6,000 grant
Businesses will need to apply through their local council and further information can be found on their websites.
Statutory Sick Pay rebate scheme
For employers with fewer than 250 staff, this scheme is being re introduced, meaning that qualifying businesses can claim back the cost of paying SSP to employees affected by Covid. Use the link below to start your claim or learn more.
VAT rate reduction
The VAT rate reduction on accommodation, food, drink (excluding alcohol) and attractions increased from 5% to 12.5% on 1 October 2021. It is due to revert to 20% on 1 April 2022. Make sure you’re taking advantage of the scheme while it's still available.
Help to Grow - digital scheme
See our previous article for more information on the scheme
From December 2021, the Help to Grow - digital scheme offers SMEs free and impartial advice on how technology can help their business. The aim is for the scheme to aid qualifying businesses to identify their digital technology needs, assess technology purchasing options and implement new technologies in their operations.
Eligible businesses will also be able claim a voucher covering up to 50% of the costs of an approved digital software, up to a maximum of £5,000.
Apply or find out more here
If you have any questions or queries about how to take advantage of these schemes, please get in touch with your Swindells’ partner who will be able to advise you further.
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